High-grade materials for optimized manufacturing processes.

Our lithium products are integral to creating a wide range of critical applications, from space suits and submarines to concrete, air filtration, dyes, ceramics, glass, and metallurgy.

Market Opportunities

Our lithium products enhance the properties of end products across various sectors. Our technical support drives innovations in emerging applications such as semiconductor chips for diverse electronics.

For glass and ceramics, adding lithium reduces the melting point, making manufacturing more energy efficient. In concrete, it slows deterioration, cutting maintenance costs and extending lifespan. For astronauts and submarines, it lowers carbon dioxide levels in space suits and underwater vehicles. In air treatment, it serves as a dehumidifier or cooling medium.

Product Profile


A free-flowing, granular solid ideal for manufacturing lithium greases, dyes, specialty resins, and numerous other chemical specialties.

It is also used in producing cathode active material for lithium-ion batteries, coatings, water treatment, and more.

Markets: Energy Storage & Battery Systems, Industrial, Grease

Product List

Lithium Carbonate, Micronized Technical Grade

Appearance: Odorless white powder

Application: A free-flowing, odorless white powder with guaranteed 99.5 wt.% purity and a 5 μm D50 particle size. This superior purity grade is used as a precursor in making critical battery materials.

Markets: Industrial

Lithium Carbonate, Technical Grade

Appearance: Odorless white, free-flowing powder

Application: With a guaranteed 99.3 wt.% purity, this powder is used as a precursor for making battery materials, glass, frits, ceramics, and other specialized applications.

Markets: Energy Storage & Battery Systems, Industrial

Lithium Carbonate, Industrial Grade

Appearance: Odorless white, free-flowing powder

Application: This grade with 99.0 wt.% purity is used in the manufacture of glass, frits, ceramics, and various specialized applications.

Markets: Industrial

Lithium Carbonate, ACS Grade

Appearance: White powder

Application: Used as an additive in specialty glasses and low-expansion ceramics, and as an analytical agent.

Markets: Energy Storage & Battery Systems, Industrial

LifeTech® Superfines

Appearance: Odorless white powder

Application: A lithium carbonate admixture with fine particle size and narrow distribution, chosen for its controllable and predictable reaction rates. It adjusts and accelerates the setting time of cementitious systems and is used in ceramics, welding rods, refractory materials, and specialty glasses.

Markets: Energy Storage & Battery Systems

LifeTech® Ultrafines

Appearance: Odorless white powder

Application: The finest grade of lithium carbonate with the highest reactivity. Used to adjust and accelerate the setting time of cementitious systems, and in the manufacture of ceramics, welding rods, refractory materials, and specialty glasses.

Markets: Industrial

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Connect with us today to discover how our high-quality raw materials can enhance your projects and meet your industry needs. Contact us now for reliable, efficient, and innovative solutions